
Saturday, July 6, 2013


          The popular Gem mining areas is Ratnapura. meaning City of Gems.

                              Gem mining place

Gem pits at Ratnapura, Kalawana, Kahawatta, and  Balangoda surrounding areas.
 Gems mining at  River side. 

 Kalani River &  Kaluganga River.

                              Gems cutting and polishing. 

Saturday, June 29, 2013

Ratnapura is the most implortant region for gems. In Sri Lanka

 Sri Lanka has been famous for gemstones from the earliest time. It is an important export trade today.
Many areas in the Sabaragamuwa province are well known for gems. Ratnapura is the most important
Region for gems. Ratnapura means the  "City of Gems".  It has gem museums displaying the wide range of  gems available in the country.
                  The blue Sapphire is the king of Sri Lankan gems. The 400 carat blue sapphire called  the
"BLUE BELL"  which adorns  the British crown is from Sri Lanka. Rubies, cat's eyes, alexandrites,
Aquamarines, tokurmalines, spinals, topazes, garnets and amethysts are some of the precious stones
Found in Sri Lanka.
                   The cutting of gems is a specialized job . Gems are cut and polished before they are set.
Different regions in the country have different ways of making  jewellery .  Gems are generally worn for
Their beauty, People  also believe that gems have the power to bring luck.
                   The craft was handed down from father to son. Now woman too work in the gem trade. 

Sri Lanka - Pearl of the Indian Ocean

  Various type of gems

Blue Stone 
Cats eye

There are generally two varieties of cat's eye.  Alexandrite cat's-eye & the Chrysoberyl cat's-eye, which is very popular in the Far East, particularly in Japan.  Chrysoberyl cat's-eye are yellowish-brown, 

Alexandrite is a variety of chrysoberyl, which ideally shows a distinct colour change from green in fluorescent light or daylight to red in incandescent light.